Sunday, April 01, 2007

studio LDA - I own the world

When I hold the little hand in mine, I feel like I own the whole world.

look fr studio LDA

studio LDA - hand, authority and sky

authority provides the scope for cover. (of sky)

look fr studio LDA

studio LDA - shake hand

Shake hands. How many colour combination would you suggest ?

black and white, yellow and brown, balck and brown,....

look fr stidio LDA

studio LDA - about sharing

Last week when I saw the ripen papaya being eaten by a bird, I said I would trap these birds, but then my daughter said “Can we not share, we have so many! “.

look fr studio LDA

studio LDA - daddy would take care of the big bad wolf

My daughter would lay all pillows at her head and feet before going to sleep(the bed is set by the wall),then she would say " daddy guard me from the big bad wolf coming from the front.

look fr studio LDA