Friday, June 01, 2007

Judgement Day

Judgement Day

On 31stMay 2007, the New Straits Times head line in contrasting black white “judgment day”. The report content: A Malaysian Lina Joy lost her battle to have her religious status adjudicated by the country’s civil law. So Lina has failed. So in the eye of Malaysian Law as it is now, Lina is still a Muslim.

The majority judgment : “The determination of whether a person has renounced Islam is within the realm of Islamic Law and the right authority is thus the syariah court. Hence NRD’s reluctance to react until it received certification from an Islamic authority was logical..”

While the judgment was made on 30/5/07, today, judgment is made by the people of Malaysia and the world, on how Malaysia Law fairs. Today, is the judgment day of Malaysia Law.

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