Friday, June 01, 2007

studio LDA - A little thought about corruption, evolution and art.

A little thought about corruption, evolution and art.

I know neither biology nor politics. But I think the Darwin’s idea of natural selection applies here:

1. In a dominantly corruptive system (say a society), a clean entity is naturally discriminated, and it dies a slow death, while the corrupted ones would prosper.
2. The corrupted system will go on prosper in its own way until it can take corruption no longer. It then destroys itself.
3. Then come the opportunity for the clean entities to emerge.
4. These clean entities would then subject themselves to the lure of power, money until it gets to point 1 above. And the process recycles.

Somehow, I feel arts offer the only solution to this vicious cycle. Because..

Art is for truth, kindness and beauty.

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