Saturday, November 24, 2007

studio LDA- introducing a book " words & images"

Introducing the book “ words & images “ by Ng Buan Cher.

She , the author, was the head of fine art department at MIA.

I haven’t met the artist. All that I know of her work is only through a book titled “words and images” that I came across in a friend’s studio. If you have a chance please read it up. Its easy reading and I find in inspiring. Just to quote the artist..” the way we see the world, we see ourself.”

I share with you some of the images scaned from the book.

Today's song - Of sky - 75x55cm

Today's song - Of bridge, 1986 - 75x55cm

Today's song - Of rain, 1986 - 75x55cm

Today's song - Of reality, 1986 - 104x76cm

Sky, bridge, rain, me...the sky today ever less blue, bridge today ever more broken, rain ? even bloodier, and reality, evn more defaced. I don't know whetherb if Ng is an artist or a forune teller of the world anymore.-- look fr studio LDA

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